Monday, February 11, 2008

Visitors to M&M's

We spent a couple of restful if not soggy days at North Durras this weekend.
Here are some of our new visitors who came to feed on the deck.
A lady satin bower bird - my story is that she was SO hungry because she was sitting on eggs. Well her feathers are a bit disturbed on her front and even tho usually they are really shy birds, she can right up onto the deck to feed. I love the 'pigeon - toes' and bright blue eyes!
The brown doves don't come often so it was nice to see one again.
Galahs we don't have often at all - this was a young one. We have noticed quite a few immature parrots over the last couple of visits - they are just beginning to head out in the big world.
The cheeky lorrikeets we always have with us. They hang from the roof to see what is happening - they are the big bosses and hunt everyone else away with a great fluttering of wings and lots of noise!
These handsome pigeons are known as "Baldies" - lovely aqua tipped feathers on their shoulders and rumps - they all push into the feeders one on top of the other.
They keep us amused with their antics.

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