Sunday, December 09, 2007

Scatterdays for K and being on the other side of the sheets! 8.12.07

Well - here are some blue Knickers! A joy to behold eh? My neighbourhood K thing are the King Parrots watching me sew up a shade blind on the verandah of the van - my second neighbourhood! and dangerous - well I thought everyone would have knives or 'killer' things so here is King Kong - he was dangerous in the movie. This one I bought at a garage sale in Canberra and I was told he was bought at a fundraiser for 'Gorilla's in the Mist' - how's that for providence?

Now, here's my big whinge for the week - I missed my ScqIllawarra GTG today.
I think it was because of my over indulgence of eating out on Saturday. I had a Fishermans basket at the Bluegum - all fried and not very nice but I ate a good bit of it. Then there were some lovely profiteroles with fresh cream at the 80th birthday bash in Nowra.
I woke at 3.30am with 'chest' pain. Ended up getting dressed and leaving the motel about 4.30am and heading up to A&E at Shoalhaven hospital - just in case. My GP emphasised after I had a bout of chest pain about 6 months ago (and then a normal stress test) that I was not to take it lightly and that if I woke at night with pain not to write it off as indigestion. I said to the RN on duty - it's probably just indigestion and her comment was - "Oh yeah - I've heard that one before!"
Anyhow after a normal ECG and an examination by the doc, seems as tho I had a bout of biliary colic and maybe have gall stones :-(
I also now have a sore backside from a couple of injections! I do not like being 'on the other side of the sheets!'
Anyhow, I started to feel a bit better this arvo and will take the antibiotics and go off to the doc to organise an ultrasound etc and see what's happening.
What a drag.
Off to check everyone else's K's.


Dy said...

ha ha ha blue knickers - love it! And aren't those parrots fabulous, and so tame!
Goodness gracious Stephanie, night time dramas, I'm glad to hear you're okay.

Michelle Watters said...

Love those knickers. And glad to hear all is well.

Pennie said...

Love your King Parrots, we have one one his own that comes every day, he's not as cheeky as those Lorries and are the blue knickers meant to be blue or did they wash with something LOL Poor you!! I had that same Seafood Basket, you are quite right it wasn't much good but everything else is sooo big it's a problem... I had no after affects but there again I haven't got a GB any more... I hope you're feeling better and it's easily dealt with.