I always did - until I had one - well three actually.
These are Cocus Palms - probably planted around when the house was built say 30 years ago. They drop rotting dates everywhere which are like 'marbles' underfoot and that becomes quite a danger to old ladies who are prone to falling! Anyhow, we still have two smaller ones and we'll see about hanging onto them as they are further away from the house and not directly above the walkways.
We had a tree guy come in to quote on lopping the trees which overhung driveway next door after the neighbour complained about them (you can see them in the background). While he was here yesterday, we finally 'bit the bullet' and had the tallest palm removed.
It was quite a process with the guy harnessing up and climbing the tree like a monkey using 'spikes' attached to a brance onhis ankles - he made it look easy but then I guess he was fit and had had heaps of experience. He said that he is thoroughly sick of Cocus palms - they were a fad when they were planted years ago and now people, like us, are wanting them removed!. He systematically removed the lower fronds and then cut down the palm in sections from the top down.
So, our morning was filled with the sounds of chain saw and chipper! A job well done and our resident Wattle birds have returned to their 'thinned out' eucalypt foliage but, we didn't hear and flying foxes (noisey blighters) last night - food source removed. I'm sure they'll be back when the other palms flower and fruit.
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