Shows our reserve outlook and check out the geraniums - they are amazing this year too.
I'll take a shot of some in the front yard in the next few days.
The little garden has been so prolific this spring that I am keeping the family and half the street in salad vegs and spinach (we keep all the rhubarb tho! - yum)
I don't know if it was the compost, the rainwater (we had a little tank put in) or just the season and my TLC.
I have put in more seeds than usual and have rocket coming out of my ears (nice look) and self sown oragano, basil and thyme coming up everywhere, even in the cracks in the paths and pavers!
The beans are heading for the sky so I will probably be overwhelmed with them - LOL - I have three varieties in. The capsicums and eggplants have been really slow so we'll have to wait and see what happens with them.
Off for a cuppa ....